With the everchanging world we are working in today, we have had to make changes to the Dead Dog Party on Monday, 9/6/21. For the first time, we must put a cap on the number of volunteers that can attend and have moved to the Centennial Ballroom to give us as many spots as possible with the required spacing.  To manage this, we ask that volunteers pre-register for the event beginning August 20th.  Registration will close once all spots have been filled.  As a reminder, the Dead Dog Party is an exclusive volunteer only event and is for volunteers who have successfully completed their responsibilities at the convention.

Please note, we are also making a couple of additional changes to accommodate more volunteers in our giveaway opportunities.  We will NOT have swag tables this year; any swag collected at the show will be taken to our Volunteer Appreciation event in the spring.  Additionally, we will NOT do the drawing for gift cards at the event. ALL of the drawings (and there will be more than ever before) will take place in the office in mid-September and EVERY volunteer who successfully completed their volunteer service will be included in the drawing and notified via the eventeny email to confirm mailing address if selected as a winner.

If you register and decide not to attend for any reason, please let us know by emailing mandy@staging.dragoncon.org so that we can open the spot for another volunteer.

Thank you in advance for your understanding.  We look forward to seeing you all soon!